About the WeirAnderson Foundation
Targeted philanthropy can help make the world a better place, particularly if it can be leveraged to achieve gender equality. The WeirAnderson Foundation is a Private Ancillary Fund that supports cultural, educational and civil society organisations which incorporate a gender lens in their work and are focused on progressive outcomes.
Gender equality isn’t just the right thing to do: it is fundamental to more successful and sustainable societies. When women and girls can fully participate in education, the economy and civil society, there are improvements across the board in social and economic indicators. As we face challenges brought by the fourth industrial revolution, climate change and major social and political disruption, we need all the world’s human capital to be part of creating solutions. Accordingly, we must double our efforts to advocate for — and achieve — gender equality.
Key organisations supported by the Foundation include Australians Investing In Women, Fair Agenda, For Film’s Sake, and Global Sisters. The Foundation is a member of Mannifera, a collective of Australian philanthropic funders supporting a stronger democracy and a fairer Australia.
Our internationally-focused partners are the International Women's Development Agency and The Asia Foundation (where Deanne is a current Trustee).
The Foundation has also supported Documentary Australia and documentaries that highlight issues faced by women and girls across the globe, including Strong Female Lead, Under Cover, The Leadership, Why Did She Have to Tell the World, Strong Women, I Am A Girl, Call Me Dad, and The Baulkham Hills African Ladies Troupe.
The WeirAnderson Foundation is not currently taking submissions for funding.
Top banner photo: Global Sisters (photo Kylie Petts).